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December 22, 2020   WFP China COE
RoC Project: Strengthening Capacity of Smallholder Farmers to Supply Fortified Cassava Products to Local Markets

Country Projects;Rice Production System;RoC Project,;Cassava;Smallholders

RoC Project: Strengthening the Capacity of Smallholder Farmers to Supply Fortified Cassava Products to Local Markets in 2020 (Photo courtesy of WFP China COE )

Through South-South Cooperation with China, this project aims to equip 40 processors and their associations in Loudima and Poll districts with knowledge and technology to process fortified cassava products and introduce their products to the local market using the WFP-led Home Grown School Feeding(HGSF) pilot as a key entry point. As a result, the South-South Cooperation project will contribute to improve the food basket quality and variety offered to school children, while contributing to improve rural cassava value chain actors' livelihood and boost local economy.