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November 13, 2021   WFP China COE
Sustainable Agriculture and Value Chain Development in Nepal

Country Projects;Sustainable Agriculture;Value Chain Development

Sustainable Agriculture and Value Chain Development in Nepal 2021 (Photo courtesy of WFP China COE )

Following the cooperation framework with UNOSSC, WFP China COE collaborated with the Foreign Economic Cooperation Centre (FECC) of MARA, supported by WFP Nepal Country Office, UNDP Nepal Country Office, and local authority in Khajura Rural Municipality of Nepal, to implement this project supporting the smallholder capacity-building in Nepal in horticultural and livestock production and agriculture value chain development. The technical needs analysis has been completed upon  questionnaire distribution and collection. All project activities were online due to the COVID-19 pandemic challenge. Upon the Needs Assessment Report, 27 video training courses focusing on technologies and practices of vegetable cultivation and poultry feeding, including avirtual tour in the field, have been delivered to Nepal for smallholder training in Khajura Rural Municipality. An exchange webinar is to be held for further the discussion between Chinese experts and training participants.