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Guarding Granary and Securing Food Security in China

July 15, 2022  farmer.com.cn  

Intelligent Management System;Agriculture;Grain Depots;Technical Solution

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On June 25, 2021, the China Grain Reserves Baishan Depot Co., Ltd., held a public open day event with the theme of "Strengthening the Ballast Stone of Food Security". This event adopts the form of "offline + online". More than 40 public representatives, including government agencies and institutions, large-scale growers and grain business agents, are invited to visit the site and participate in the company's live broadcast-the series of "Pursuing the Red Footprint and Exploring the Granary of Great Power". At the site, the staff demonstrated the operation of intelligent grain management system of the China Grain Reserves Group Ltd. Company. When the picture of the granary came into view, every grain in the granary could be seen clearly. Besides, the staff obtained the views of a granary located 100 kilometers away, the grain storage situation is also shown in front of audiences. By watching the 3D display diagram of the granary, the public has a clearer understanding of online grain monitoring and advanced grain storage technology.

They also demonstrated the quality inspection process of the newly purchased grains before the grains were stored in the warehouses. The inspection room of Baishan Depot is equipped with professional grain and oil testing equipment, which can detect aflatoxin, vomit toxin, zearalenone, lead, mercury, cadmium and other health indicators, so as to ensure that all grains in and out of the warehouse have been strictly tested and controlled. “The "benefiting agriculture, rural areas and farmers" APP and the acquisition system with "all-in-one card" have  opened up the whole chain from "appointment" to "acquisition"to "settlement" making farmers comfortable and rest assured while selling their grains, and let public representatives witness the convenience, standardization and safety of modern grain marketing system. The staff also demonstrated the daily inspection and test operations such as moisture detection, fatty acid value titration and food hygiene indicator measurement.

In the tall and large horizontal warehouses of the No. 21 Depot and the No. 25 Depot, the grain surface was as flat as a mirror. The custodians Wang Guitao and Chen Junfeng briefed reporters the situation of grain storage and the application of science and technology. Wang Guitao said, "We use advanced scientific grain storage technology for all stored grains, especially using the advantages of the climate characteristics of the Northeast China. The application of green grain storage technology with internal circulation can accumulate cold sources in winter and create an intelligent circulation in summer, and thus ensuring that the grains are always stored in the "air-conditioned room". The grains in the warehouse are always replaced, and no difference in the grain quality is found among different grain depths, so the grain quality is the same inside and outside.

Fu Guangrui, General Manager of Baishan Dept Co., Ltd. stated that, as the enterprise directly under the China Grain Reserves Group Ltd. Company, the Baishan Dept Co., Ltd will continue to ensure the food security and the supply of important agricultural products in China, and fulfill the fundamental responsibility of "ensuring the true quantity of grain reserves, good grain quality, grain storage safety, and the adjustable and available grain mobilization. The new requirements of the "Four Persistence" of grain storage in the new era will be thoroughly implemented, namely “political construction is essential, main responsibility and business are the foundation, risk prevention is the basis, and high-quality development is the priority”. Greater contributions to “the granary of a great power" should be made to manage the granary of great power, guard China's rice bowl and ensure national food security.

The grain system of China Grain Reserves Group Ltd. Company, has been fully covered by the intelligent storage system. The headquarter of the China Grain Reserves Group Ltd. Company, can monitor the grain storage situation in real time. By using the "Internet +" management model, it has realized the intelligent management and improve the efficiency in grain storage, and effectively ensured the true quantity and good quality of stored grains.

SOURCE: http://www.farmer.com.cn/2021/06/25/99873152.html


Guarding Granary and Securing Food Security in China


Guarding Granary and Securing Food Security in China


Technical Solution