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Multiple Measures Against Food Waste in Catering Industry in Chongqing

July 21, 2022  farmer.com.cn  

Food Systems;Food Waste;Catering Industry;Long-term Mechanism;Case Study

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Chongqing City has taken a number of measures to guide rational consumption and put an end to "waste of food". A social environment where waste is shameful and thriftiness is applaudable should be fostered.

The Standing Committee of Chongqing Municipal Party pointed out that it is necessary to improve the rule of law, formulate effective measures to stop  food waste in the catering industry, study and formulate rules and regulations, and improve the management modes on the catering industry. It is necessary to strictly supervise the catering industry, take effective measures, and establish a long-term mechanism, so as to make it a habit for people not to waste food and combat against food waste. Detailed regulations should be formulated for not wasting food in the canteens of public institutions or schools. The catering industry and enterprises will be ordered to further carry out "empty plate campaign". The service modes of online food ordering and takeout fast food are further developed. It is necessary to strengthen publicity, carry out patriotic health campaign, advocate healthy and green lifestyle, carry forward advanced models and expose waste phenomena, promote dining code of conduct, and improve the code of conduct in the whole society. The majority of Party members, especially leading officials at all levels, should set an example for the whole society to halt the food waste.

Chongqing City's various units and departments, industry associations, district and county-level management departments take active actions to establish a long-term mechanism, and integrate the reduction of food waste into the whole process of food material purchase, processing and service, so as to halt the food waste.

Chongqing Municipal Audit Bureau has issued the "Proposal on Saving Food and Opposing Waste" to the leaders and staff of audit authorities in Chongqing, requiring them to take practical actions to reduce food waste and ensure food security. The "empty plate campaign" is launched to promote the new social custom of practicing thrift and opposing waste. At the same time, we should establish a punishment mechanism for food waste, spot check the meal of officials and workers, expose the uncivilized meal behaviors, such as food waste, and incorporate the civilized meal behavior into the assessment on Party building work of all Party branches, so as to form an institutionalized "rigid constraint".

Chongqing Fengjie Branch of State Power Grid implements eight actions of  practicing thrift and opposing waste, like "empty plate campaign, food pre-ordering service, loss reduction action, zero ingredient inventory action, combat against extravagance, clean vegetables action, uniform tableware provision and intelligent monitoring”. It monitors the food dumping and waste behaviors, publicize and punish the personnel through the installation of cameras. The number of diners is determined the day before the dining and raw materials are prepared accurately. Food ingredients are used up in the same day, and the inventory of prepared food is zero. The food should be supplemented reasonably, and the quantity of dishes should be controlled properly. Disposable tableware is forbidden and employees need to bring their own tableware. Employees' opinions and suggestions and other measures should be collected and adopted to resolutely curb the food waste in the canteens.

The canteens of all districts and counties in the city take the lead in reducing food waste. Office Administration Bureau in Yuzhong District earnestly strengthens various measures to reduce the food waste in the office canteen, and actively advocates the social custom of “waste is shameful and thriftiness is applaudable” through "taking the lead in accurate control, strict management and publicity guidance". Four precise control measures have been further implemented, including daily food ingredients are purchased in different batches on demand to reduce the purchase volume; Fine operation in the initial cleaning can reduce the defects; Processing, manufacturing and centralized utilization of leftover ingredients to reduce waste; and Special personnel are dispatched for inspection and timely supplementation for food so as to curb the food waste and residues effectively.

The Party Publicity Department and Civilization Office of Tongliang District has issued an initiative to the people of the whole district, i.e., curbing the waste of food in the catering industry and practicing thrift. The canteen of the district Party committee takes the lead in practicing thrift and opposing food waste. At the same time, warm tips, such as "emptying plates and curbing food waste", are widely posted. In addition, cameras were installed in places where leftovers were dumped so as to expose the food waste behavior and urge people to save food.

Beibei District connects the food ingredient suppliers to the canteen supply chain system of the district government. On the basis of collecting the number of diners on that day and calculating the consumption of food ingredients, Beibei District accurately places orders according to the actual situation, so as to ensure that the food ingredients are fresh and no food is wasted. Since the system was put into use, the daily average consumption of food ingredients has decreased by about 12% according to the preliminary estimation.

According to the number of diners, the canteen of administrative center in the Rongchang District reasonably determines the supply of food. It adopts the method of frequent cooking with less food quantity. Also, "half-size dishes" and "small-size dishes" are provided to avoid the food waste, which gains popularity among officials and workers.



Multiple Measures Against Food Waste in Catering Industry in Chongqing


Multiple Measures Against Food Waste in Catering Industry in Chongqing


Case Study