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September 13, 2022   WFP China COE
Case Study of WFP- UNOSSC Rice Value Chain Project in Cote D'Ivoire

Rice Value Chain;PHLM;South-South Cooperation;C?te d'Ivoire;WFP China COE


Post-harvest loss (PHL) management, which encompasses a sequence of activities and approaches at policy and technical levels, supports more efficient food systems operations. Improved PHL management has the potential to contribute to food security in developing countries. To date, WFP carried out national capacity strengthening in post-harvest loss reduction in more than 30 countries, which focused on improving farmers' capacity in post-harvest handling by promoting the use of hermetic storage equipment, preservation and value addition methods for fresh food, and provision of other value chain services to strengthen the supply side of the food value chain. 

WFP Centre of Excellence and Regional Centre of Excellence against Hunger and Malnutrition facilitate the exchange of China's solutions on national food security and sharing of good practices among developing countries through a wide variety of modalities – including policy dialogues, training, workshops, in-field demonstrations, etc. to support regional, national, or community food systems development.

Aspects to be explored during this side event will include:

(1) Overview of C?te d'Ivoire Rice PHLM Project

● As the third largest rice producing country in West Africa, C?te d'Ivoire has made progress in rice production. Notwithstanding, C?te d'Ivoire still relies heavily on imports to satisfy its growing needs of domestic rice consumption. The potential for national rice production has yet to be unleashed, which is below 50 percent of its demand, due to funding and technology constraints. The rice value chain in C?te d'Ivoire could be further developed to achieve self-sufficiency of rice and even with surplus for exports.

● To address the situation, in March 2021, WFP Centre of Excellence for Rural Transformation (WFP China COE) and WFP Regional Centre of Excellence against Hunger and Malnutrition (CERFAM) jointly launched the South-South Cooperation Project on Rice Value Chain Development in northern C?te d'Ivoire with the support and grant funding of US$100,000 from the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC).

● The exchanges with the Chinese experts through training and workshops were meant to bring innovations on policy, strategy, technology and technique on the rice value chain.

● A field demonstration site set up with agro-machinary has been established in local community, to support knowledge and technology transfer through online and offline training.

(2) Overview of China's experience on food systems transformation

● From 1990 to 2000, China advanced its reforms in the field of grain circulation, leading to the establishment of the state grain reserves management system. In 2017, the implementation of the "Quality Food Project" in the field of circulation consists of three components: the development of a post-production grain service system; the establishment and improvement of a grain quality and safety inspection and monitoring system; and the "Healthy Grain and Edible Oil" Action Plan. That accelerates the high-quality development of China’s grain industry, which can provide experience to the West African countries.

(3) Overview of digitalized granary management

● From 2016, China has put forward measures for the IT-based development of the grain industry, applying IT and application modes such as Internet+, big data, IoT and intelligent manufacturing in the grain industry, thereby comprehensively upgrading the IT of the grain industry.


● Showcase China's South-South Cooperation experience in Africa: Post-harvest Loss Management rice value chain in C?te d'Ivoire

● Share China's experience and solutions for food systems transformation, especially on Post-harvest Loss Management

● Introduce China's digitalized granary management


● Promote Chinese experience and solutions at both policy and technical level for post-harvest loss management to strengthen food systems transformation

● Outline the applicable and effective SSTC approaches on food systems transformation with showcase of C?te d'Ivoire Rice Value Chain Project.

● Identify opportunities to further transfer and exchange knowledge and experience among China and other developing countries to strengthen food security.

